Well, 2023 has been in the books for a week now, and it’s time to start looking forward to 2024. In this post, a quick review of the highlights of 2023 and some plans for 2024.
In 2023 I finished ten weaving projects and 29(!) skeins of handspun yarn ranging from 100g to 220g. I’m powering my way through my fibre stash by combining hand-dyed colourways to make huge skeins. There’s always a spinning project on my Aura, and often one on the Joy and one on the EEW Nano as well. Is three spinning wheels enough?
One craft-related highlight in 2023 was receiving 3rd prize at the Ekka for my overshot scarf. The Ekka is our equivalent of a State Fair – crafts, animals, rides, etc. QSWFA had a booth where I demonstrated weaving.

I have more projects lined up than I’m likely to get to in 2024 – and I keep finding new things I want to weave. As for the spinning, I hope to weave several handspun throw rugs/afghans. There’s plenty of yarn!

Other highlights to look forward to in 2024 include the Majacraft Magic Camp in April and Complex Weavers Seminars and Convergence in Wichita Kansas in July. Looks like there will be plenty of travel and craft in my future!