Bring on 2024

Well, 2023 has been in the books for a week now, and it’s time to start looking forward to 2024. In this post, a quick review of the highlights of 2023 and some plans for 2024.

In 2023 I finished ten weaving projects and 29(!) skeins of handspun yarn ranging from 100g to 220g. I’m powering my way through my fibre stash by combining hand-dyed colourways to make huge skeins. There’s always a spinning project on my Aura, and often one on the Joy and one on the EEW Nano as well. Is three spinning wheels enough?

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Catching up…

Gosh, it’s been well over a year since my last post. It’s not that I’ve stopped weaving – I just haven’t been writing posts. Clearly, I’m not doing a good job of keeping up the way I originally conceived this blog. So time for a bit of a re-focus. Rather than making each post such a big thing (completed project, pretty pictures, etc.), I’ll try to post more regularly about work in progress and stuff.

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